Geez -- it's not even a Saturday morning from the early 2000's! Just a couple of years ago, I'd hopping up out of bed to hit the gym, the trail or the snooze button after a late Friday night out. These days a big Friday night is heading out with a good gal pal to see a movie. Last night's feature was RED -- who know a movie about retired CIA agents would be so damn funny!?!
Oh -- hello readers. You are wondering who is the Coco? Well...that's a long and short story. I'm in my mid-40's -- well that's how many years I have been on the planet. Somehow, I am mentally still somewhere around 28 or 29. Those were fun, if misguided, times. If you ask others, they will smile and say Coco! -- that kind of sums it up. Life of the party! Friend on which you can Depend! Flirt! Professional. Sister. Daughter.Aunt (one of my favorite labels). Outspoken....the list goes on. So what? Right?
Right -- Just a 40s are the new 30s woman having a good time and enjoying everything life has to offer. (ALERT) (here is the serious part)Then I started have -- well girly problems. Yikes.A check engine light went of on my forehead. The gyno says (with tears in his eyes...) "Nicole, we got the pathology reports back - you have leiomyosarcoma." Um..ok...heavy sigh...So that's cancer right? So what do we do next? I'll tell you.
Surgery. Remove 12cm or larger cervical/uterine mass - about 5 weeks in and out of the hospital.
Radiation. 25 external treatments. 3 internal
TPN( That was 4 days in the hospital
Get a job...I'll tell that story another day
Surgery - a WHIPPLE, no not Mr. Whipple with the White Cloud but this : That pretty much took up Winter 2010.
Back to work and do everything you can to have FUN
Ooops...another mass....I'll keep you posted.
Back to Saturday morning....Now instead of dishing with my girls about last night's adventures or lack thereof and how did we spend that much on the tab, I am cleaning house and writing this blog.
So -- here is our blog covenant. I promise to try my best to amuse you, motivate you, support you, did I say amuse? You are allowed to call me out if I whine or if I am nasty. I promise to change the names to protect the guilty ( you know who you are). Please do send me news that I can use but let's not share horror stories about the C word out there. It's scary enough and Kris Carr said -- Life is too sweet to be bitter.
Loves ya!
Nic- I didn't know you are such a good writer. I will be your #1 blog fan. keep at it, I like to know what you are up to and what goes on in your head.